Iowa State Patrol Urges Safe Driving Amid New Year’s Eve Celebrations

As New Year’s Eve approaches, Iowans are being reminded to be mindful of their drinking habits, especially when it comes to driving. Trooper Bob Conrad of the Iowa State Patrol highlighted the alarming statistic of nearly 1,000 impaired driving arrests in Iowa during December last year.

The dangers of overestimating one’s ability to drive after drinking are emphasized, with studies showing that 1 in 4 Americans believe they can safely drive after consuming alcohol.

To combat this, bars like the Airliner in Iowa City are taking proactive steps to ensure customers don’t reach a point of dangerous intoxication. Their staff is trained to recognize signs of impairment, such as slurred speech or dozing off, and will stop serving alcohol when necessary.

Conrad advises partygoers to plan ahead, either by choosing a designated driver or using ride services like Uber to ensure a safe journey home.

In Iowa, a first offense for driving under the influence can lead to jail time and hefty fines, along with the risk of causing harm to others. It’s also crucial to note that DUIs apply not only to alcohol but any substance that impairs driving.

As the celebration begins, it’s essential to remember that a little planning can help avoid tragic consequences on the roads.

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